This article describes how investor signature blocks get set in the generative Equity Financing workflow.
Setting Up Signature Blocks for Entities and Individuals
Entity versus Individual Signature Blocks
If the signer is just an individual person signing on their own behalf, there will be no formal signature block set up. The platform will just take the person's name and put it in the signature block. To read more about how you can customize your personal signature block, please read our article here: Signing Documents.
However, if the individual is signing on behalf of an entity, he or she will be able to set up the signature block reflecting the entity they're signing on behalf of and if applicable, the specific fund for the entity by following the steps in this article.
Initial Investor Login
Once the investor has confirmed their information, they will be taken to the signing step. The investor can still make changes to their signature block on this page. The Edit Signature Block button on the Sign Document(s) screen allows the signer to revise their signature block as needed. Once they've made the desired changes, they can click "Continue" to apply the new signature block to the documents.
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